Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My lovely belly hump

I'm discovering that shower stalls, shaving legs and pregnant bellies aren't quite compatable anymore. It seems anymore that when I pull my legs up to slip on pants or shave my prickly legs, Boston is winning his space and I am having to compromise. It's so fun though! The discomforts still put a grin on my face!

I wonder lots more about what positions he is in when I feel a jab or a hard surface pressing against my protruding belly button. Lately, it seems he is settling into a pushing-downward-on-mama's-cervix position. I feel alot of kicks and shoves down there and they are growing in strength and frequency. Last night, he actually made me yelp it was so forceful! This morning, we were driving around doing errunds and Ludacris was rapping on the radio station. I think Boston dicovered his booty moves!

All in all, pregnancy is feeling just fine and I haven't had troubles adjusting to the slower pace I now jaunt along at. I do feel good energy and fortunately get the rest I need on my days off from work. I'm surprised I haven't had a load of food cravings. My appetite has increased steadily, but I'm still eating pretty balanced between health food and occasional indulgences. I have, however noticed the bloating, gas and indigestion get a tad bit worse. Seems the whole space issue affects about everything with the baby packing on pounds now instead of little ounces. Thankfully, that hasn't translated into stretch marks on my skin yet. I haven't asked my mom or sisters yet if it runs in our genes, but so far I've been lucky. They say cocoa butter isn't proved to work, but I use it religiously anyway.

Tomorrow is my 24 week checkup. Looking forward to it.

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